Friday, September 30, 2016
Long Way North Movie Review
It's always great when you watch a movie with your daughter that has a strong female character in it. In a world where we see more princesses becoming independent, it's great when a movie comes along that shows a character finding her independence and gaining strength from it. In the movie LONG WAY NORTH, we see the two voyages with the main character Sacha: an internal voyage and external voyage.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Remembering The Exorcist #Giveaway
I remember seeing The Exorcist when I was a little boy. I saw most of the movie with my hands over my ears and my eyes closed. Just hearing Regan's demonic voice scared the crap out of me and I remember I would see her face everywhere after that movie ended. That movie really scared me.
Monday, September 5, 2016
Run like the wind or Look at me trying to be sporty 104
I know that is not how the songs goes, but it would have been strange to title this post "Run like the wind, Bullseye!" because I am not a fast runner like Bullseye the horse was. Since our last episode, I am still training for the upcoming Chicago Marathon.
The program I am on has me running 4 to 5 days a week and it has not always gone as planned. There have been a few hiccups here and there, but what has been bothering me lately is my running playlist.