Thursday, August 21, 2014
"The Force is strong with this one" #30DaysofStarWarsShirts Day 23
With a lot of focus going to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, today's shirt focuses on one cause that is near to my heart: Stand Up 2 Cancer.
This shirt was a gift to me from my brother-in-law after he attended a Chicago Cubs game that was handing them out to fans in attendance. I was not able to make the game, but my brother-in-law knew what a big Star Wars fan I was and gave me the shirt.
Cancer is one of those evils that took my grandfather away from me. I wrote about him this past December and how much I wished I could have cherished the times we had together, but back then I thought I would have him forever.
Another reason I'm bringing Cancer in the forefront again is because I am part of a Dad Blogger group that was created by Oren Miller.
Oren decided that dad bloggers should come together in a group and help each other out; be it with sponsored posts, help in networking with companies, linking dads to other dads that write about the same thing, etc. The Fandads joined this group and it has been one of the best things to happen to us.
What has happened with this group is that it has grown to over 800 members. We exchange ideas, give each other honest feedback on posts we write and are there for each other when we just need to vent about anything in our lives. This group has become a brotherhood.
With that being said, this brotherhood rallied around Oren when it was revealed that he had been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. We reached out to him and his family and decided to take action not only as a group, but as his brothers. Together we have raised over $30,000 to help his family with medical bills and hopefully to help his kids with their educational future.
Although I have never met Oren physically I consider him a brother and will do as much as I can to help him out and spread the word about his campaign.
If you would like to help out and contribute to Oren's family click on the picture below and donate what you are comfortable donating.
I honestly think, that if Oren didn't start this Dad group, Fandads would have probably faded out by now. We owe a lot of what has happened to us to him and the group.
Thank you Oren and thanks for reading.
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