
Monday, May 8, 2017

Horsing around with Spirit: Riding Free #giveaway

(Disclaimer: The Fandads have teamed up with Netflix to promote Spirit: Riding Free in exchange for a giveaway opportunity for our readers. All thoughts, opinions are our own or that of our children.) 

On May 5th a new show premiered on Netflix about a group of girls and the horses they befriend called Spirit: Riding Free. Now while this show is not a continuation of the movie that came out during some of our childhood, it does have a connection to it. The Fandaughters caught a few of the episodes over the weekend and they enjoyed what they saw.

As parents, we loved the values of friendship, family and working together. While our daughter's loved seeing the girls and horses work together through their adventures and the friendships that formed within the group.

One thing that we thought was cool about the episodes we saw was that Nolan North voices the character of "Jim". Why did we find this cool? Because he is the voice of Nathan Drake in our favorite video game series: Uncharted. So maybe we geeked out a little when we heard his voice, but after that we just kept picturing Nathan Drake in the show.

Since this is a Netflix show, the entire season is online for you to binge watch with your children or watch a few episodes throughout the week after homework time. It's a fun show and something that the whole family can watch together.

The Fandads are teaming up with their friends from Dreamworks and Allied to give three of our lucky readers a Spirit: Riding Free prize pack. This prize pack contains an activity book, poster, hair ties, totes, tattoo sheets, and stickers.  To win one of these prize packs simply comment below who your favorite movie, television or animated horse is. That's is all! Mine is Mr. Ed....yeah, I know I am dating myself, but I loved watching the reruns of that show when I was little. Winners will be chosen next Monday May 15 around noon.

Photo By Jessica Perez

If you have not yet had the chance to watch the show, check out the trailer below.

DreamWorks Spirit Riding Free centers on a group of three friends, who together experience coming of age and the power of friendship.  Lucky, a gutsy 12-year-old girl, befriends a wild mustang she names Spirit. With her two best friends, Abigail and Pru, and their horses by her side, they explore a world filled with endless rides and never ending fun. Together they’ll push their own limits and discover what it truly means to be free.

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