
Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Adventure Continues, #ThanksBaby

Disclosure: The Fandads have partnered with Life of Dad  and Pampers for this promotion. 

Remember those mornings when you would just wake up and not want to get out of bed? There have been many times in my past that I would wish that the days would just fly by. A lot of the times I would not want to get out of bed, but I knew that I had classes to attend and a job to go to, so I did it. I would go through those monotonous days and just feel like this is what my life was going to be. To quote Aesop Rock "Wake, Work, Sleep" and that is not what I wanted for my life.

Flash forward a few years... I got married to an amazing woman and I now had a purpose to get up every morning. Fast forward a little more and my first child was born. A beautiful little girl that made every day an adventure. I will admit the first few months were boring when all she would do was eat and sleep, but one day the crawling began and that's when the fun began, too. My little girl gave me a purpose to wake up and go to work everyday. I wanted to make sure that she had everything she needed, not wanted. I wanted to make sure that her and her mother were well taken cared of. My life had a purpose.

Let's flash forward one more time (I promise this will be the last one) and now I have an energetic little boy. Let me tell you, having these two around is hectic and at times scary, but I would not change it for anything. I went through a dark spell when I was unemployed and with the help of my "dad brothers" I overcame it and decided that I needed to be around for my children and you know what my friends, that was the best decision I have ever made.

Because I am still around I am able to experience many great and beautiful things with my children. I get to be there for their ups and downs. For their tantrums and endless hugs. For the days when they just want to play all day or sit down cuddling next to me watching their favorite movie over and over. These are the days that make me thankful for being here for them and thankful for my children.

I am thankful that they make everyday an adventure. I mean no two days are the same; although they all start the same, wake up, brush teeth, get dressed and eat breakfast, but after that, BOOM! One child might wake up sick while the other is full of energy. One may not want to eat anything all day, while the other eats everything in the house. It's such a beautiful thing to experience and see.

I am thankful that my children enjoy my passions and see me as their superhero. Both of my children love superhero movies and toys and I love that I can share my old toys with them. I also love the fact that my daughter loves doing obstacle races like me. I am thankful that she gets to see that these obstacles are only in her way if she lets them be. Every time we go to these events she is nervous, but once she lines up she is focused and destroys the race. Pretty soon my son will be joining us on these races and I can not wait for those days to begin.

Yes my friends, I want to say #Thanksbaby to my children for giving me back the joy of life and thanks to my wife for enduring the hard times with me. I am glad I am able to show my children that although times will get rough and you are not sure what tomorrow will bring, just believe in yourself and you can get through anything. Thank you for making my life a fun adventure and I can not wait to see what tomorrow will bring. 

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