In case you've been wondering what we have been giving away on our 10 Days of Fandads on our Facebook page, here is a picture of the prizes.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
The 10 Days of Fandads Begins
Last year on our Facebook page we decided to treat our readers with the 1st Annual 10 Days of Fandads. If you participated in it you will remember that we asked a few questions and the first person to answer won a prize. This year we have decided to change it up a little and give more people the opportunity to win a prize. So what do these changes mean? Well, this time you might have to work a little for your prize. Think of some of the questions like an ARG puzzle (Alternate Reality Game) where you might have to be searching different websites for answers of clues. There might even be questions were you will have to post a picture to win. This time, it will take a little more than just being the first one to answer to win a prize. We figured this way will make it easier and level the playing field for all who play the game.
We're trying to get some cool prizes for you this year, but I think what we got for the final day is pretty awesome. So get ready, get set and have fun. Good luck!!
We're trying to get some cool prizes for you this year, but I think what we got for the final day is pretty awesome. So get ready, get set and have fun. Good luck!!
fandads giveaway,
video games
What Will Happen When Dad Bloggers Form a Group on Facebook?
Recently A Blogger and a Father came up with a crazy idea: What if dad bloggers formed a Facebook Dad Blogging page to network, share ideas and support each other? You would think that something like this might not work. Something so awesome like this will just implode on itself, but be it that it has only been up and running for a few days, this might be a great thing for dad bloggers.
While each of us has our own niche that we write about, this group is open to all forms of dad blogging. The great thing about being in this group is that it can help out the new, small bloggers but it can also give these blogs more exposure. There are a lot of great ideas being tossed around on the page right now that I think this will grow in a great community. So if you're a dad and have a blog, head on over to the Dad Bloggers Facebook page and click on the join button. You will not regret it!
Thanks for reading,
While each of us has our own niche that we write about, this group is open to all forms of dad blogging. The great thing about being in this group is that it can help out the new, small bloggers but it can also give these blogs more exposure. There are a lot of great ideas being tossed around on the page right now that I think this will grow in a great community. So if you're a dad and have a blog, head on over to the Dad Bloggers Facebook page and click on the join button. You will not regret it!
Thanks for reading,
A Blogger and a Father,
Dad blogging,
video games
Sunday, December 9, 2012
It's Coming!! Are you ready for it?
For the past few days we've been hinting at something coming soon to Fandads and if you were around last year you might have an idea as to what it might be. Just to keep it a secret for now, let's say this year's might be a little bigger and there will be different ways to win (That should be a big hint right there.) Until then, keep an eye on our Facebook page and be ready to do some work. Trust me, it will pay off in the end (at least that's what I keep telling myself, haha!)
fandads giveaway,
video games
Friday, November 30, 2012
Cool Team-Up and Giveaway
Hey everyone! Are you an Angry Birds fan? Is you phone getting tired of you playing Angry Birds all day? Well, if your answer is yes to these two questions then continue reading because we have some cool news for you.
Fandads has teamed up with the cool blog Boogies N Boo-Boos to giveaway a copy of the new game Angry Birds Trilogy for the Xbox 360. If you are looking for a cool Christmas gift for that gamer in your life or just want to treat yourself with a little something, than enter below to win this game. So what are you waiting for? Enter today and good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Quick heads up!
Just a quick heads up to all our PC gamers out there. Head on over to and get some great games (including Saints Row) for whatever price you want?! What's the catch? Well if you're not a total cheapskate, you can help out some charities. Either way, check it out. The Indie Gala is also going on at, same concept but different games.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
The Fandads go to a Fashion Show.
On November 14, the Fandads were invited to the first annual PlayChic Fashion Show at City Winery. This was one of many events throughout the week in preparation for the Tenth Annual Chicago Toy & Game Fair. The fashion show according to the press release "pairs combine haute couture designers with toy and game companies to create a unique runway of edgy, playful looks." It was pretty great seeing how the fashion designers mashed up the toys or the concept of the toys with their clothing.
Monday, November 26, 2012
What Happened to Video Game Time?
Remember when we used to do video game reviews every Tuesday and tell you what is coming out? Well, by looking at the stack of games in the picture, you can tell that we have been a little backed up.
With me working as a teacher, my gaming time has been cut down. Trust me I would like to get back to giving you reviews, but I don't want them to come off sounding half-assed. I'm getting a little better at making some time to game, so Video Game Time will return. It might not be immediate, but it will come back.
Thank you for reading.
Video Game Time,
video games,
Xbox 360
Thursday, November 22, 2012
The Chevy Equinox and The Festival of Lights
Previously on Fandads, I posted about how I attended a Chevy/Klout event for the new Chevy Volt. One of the cool things that happened at the event occurred as I was getting ready to leave. I met Stephanie Hoey who works for MSL Group and told her about how I run a blog and wrote about trying out the Volt for 3 days. She then proceeded to tell me that her company does week loans of vehicles and if I were interested in loaning a car for a week. Knowing that my car was going to go into repairs and my fall break was coming up, I thought this couldn't happen at a better time. I told Stephanie yes and gave her my card and she told me she would contact me in a few days to set everything up.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Wreck-It Ralph Quick Review
This past week I finally was able to see Wreck-It Ralph and I loved it. In brief, the story is about a video game baddie who is tired of being the bad guy and wants to be liked by the characters in his game. After an incident at an anniversary party, Ralph decides the only way to earn respect is to get a medal to show the other characters that he can be a good guy. What follows is series of episodes that takes Ralph from the familiar settings of his own world to two new worlds that will test his determination to be a hero.
As a gamer, I loved all the nods to classic games and some of the more recent ones out there. Three things in the movie that really got me excited were Burger Time, Beard Papa and Buckner & Garcia. That is all I'm going to say about that and let's see if you can spot these cameos when you go watch the movie again.
Wreck-It Ralph deals with some great issues that can be good talking points for your children when you're driving home from the theater. It deals with bullying, friendship. identity, self worth and being true to yourself. Wreck-It Ralph was a lot of fun and I can't wait to go see it again and look for more Easter eggs in the background. If you haven't see it or already did and are going to see it again, make sure you stay after the credits for a pretty cool gaming reference.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Poor Spider-Man!
One of the few times Spider-Man will be part of the Avengers.
We know he's part of The Avengers, but does he really get the same amount of the respect that the other members do?
Monday, November 5, 2012
Chicago Toy and Game Fair
Last year Fandads went to the Chicago Toy & Game Fair and we had a blast. (Read about our visit here). This year the Fair is heading to the bigger Hall H at Navy Pier on November 17-18 and Fandads has family passes to giveaway to two lucky readers on our Facebook page and our Blog. Before we let you know how you can score passes let us tell you a little about the Toy and Game Fair.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Iron Man 3 Trailer is up!!
The new trailer for Iron Man 3 is up and it looks amazing and dark. Could this be Iron Man's Empire Strikes Back? Are they going with the "Extremis" storyline? How much of War machine will we see? Will any of the Avengers make any cameos? Many questions pop up, but we have to wait until May 2013 to get all the answers. Enjoy the trailer and leave your thoughts below.
I'm on a Volt! I'm on a Volt!
Last year thanks to Chevy and Klout I was able to test drive a Chevy Sonic for three days and write about my experiences with it here on Fandads. Somehow I was lucky again, because this time Chevy and Klout gave me the opportunity to test drive a Chevy Volt. Again, like last time, I was given the car for three days and after the three days, I wish I was able to keep it longer.
Chevy Sonic,
Chevy Volt,
Electric car,
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Do You LootCrate?
Remember on Christmas when you were a kid and the anticipation surrounding your presents? Even though you dropped countless hints to your parents, you never really knew what was in those colorfully wrapped boxes until you opened them. Sometimes it was that one toy you had to have, but every now and then your parents would surprise you with the mystery box. What was in this box? What awesomeness was this? Remember when you opened it how you would just be knocked on the floor by the surprise. Who knows, maybe you lost your mind like the Nintendo 64 kid. Now imagine getting a mystery box like this every month. Wouldn't that be the coolest thing ever? If your answer is yes, then you must sign up for LootCrate!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Art of the Assassin
4:30pm - 7:00PM
There will be a private VIP reception from 8:00pm-11:00pm with drinks and appetizers served.
There will be a private VIP reception from 8:00pm-11:00pm with drinks and appetizers served.
RSVP is required for this portion of the night
Ubisoft, in partnership with Rock the Vote and SA Studios Global, invite you to the Chicago launch of "Art of the Assassin" - a traveling art exhibit celebrating one of 2012's most anticipated video game releases, Assassin's Creed III. Artwork will feature themes inspired by the game's setting and sentiment: the American Revolutionary War. Join us for drinks and music by DJ Skee, as we showcase pieces from some of the most distinguished contemporary artists in the country.
Ubisoft, in partnership with Rock the Vote and SA Studios Global, invite you to the Chicago launch of "Art of the Assassin" - a traveling art exhibit celebrating one of 2012's most anticipated video game releases, Assassin's Creed III. Artwork will feature themes inspired by the game's setting and sentiment: the American Revolutionary War. Join us for drinks and music by DJ Skee, as we showcase pieces from some of the most distinguished contemporary artists in the country.
Hopefully, we'll see you there and we will put up a post after the event.
Monday, September 17, 2012
My Little Girl's New Word...Thanks, Jake!
Lately, my little girl's new favorite show is Jake and the Never Land Pirates on Disney Jr. This is a cute show revolving around Jake and his friends: Cubby, Izzy, Skully the parrot and their adventures with Captain Hook and his band of bumbling pirates. Like most kids shows nowadays, this show teaches counting, teamwork, problem-solving skills and catchy songs, but one thing it taught my little girl is a word that has become a bit of a nuisance.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
What's been going on with the Fandads?
It's been quite awhile since our last post, but we haven't forgotten about you. Things have been a little busy on both our ends and we apologize for the lack of post. So, let's get you updated on what's been going on.
I recently got a new job teaching and if you've been watching the news in Chicago you know what been going on with that. I would like to give my opinion of the story, but that will have to wait for now. There has been a new addition to my family: my older sister just had a baby girl and she is incredible.
Now while I have been busy working in a school, Fandad Gil is busy himself with school. He is also going into the teaching profession, so who knows, maybe this will become a blog about being dads/teachers who are into comics, video games and movies, but I could be jumping the gun here. As busy as we both are, we still are coming up with ideas to improve the site and build a community here with all you other Fandads out there.
Once place we have been active on is our Facebook page. Have you liked our page lately? Recently we gave away a copy of Madden 13 for the 360 and will be coming up with more contest on there soon. So keep checking our status updates, because you never know when a contest will pop up. Also, I'm serious about having a group of Fandads run the Warrior Dash together next year. I'm looking into pricing to make a shirt that we can all wear while doing the dash.
I recently signed up for Loot Crate, which I'm pretty excited about, so be on the look out for a post on that as soon as my crate comes in. I'm trying to work out something with them also, so if anything happens, we'll let you know. I also have been talking to other interesting companies and trying to get some cool stuff going on for our readers. Who knows what we'll giveaway next?
Lastly, we want to thank all of you who are active on the Facebook page and support us here on this page. We really want to build a community with other like-minded dads and make this thing bigger than a website and facebook page.
Again, thank you for your support and we'll see you soon,
Victor & Gil
I recently got a new job teaching and if you've been watching the news in Chicago you know what been going on with that. I would like to give my opinion of the story, but that will have to wait for now. There has been a new addition to my family: my older sister just had a baby girl and she is incredible.
Now while I have been busy working in a school, Fandad Gil is busy himself with school. He is also going into the teaching profession, so who knows, maybe this will become a blog about being dads/teachers who are into comics, video games and movies, but I could be jumping the gun here. As busy as we both are, we still are coming up with ideas to improve the site and build a community here with all you other Fandads out there.
Once place we have been active on is our Facebook page. Have you liked our page lately? Recently we gave away a copy of Madden 13 for the 360 and will be coming up with more contest on there soon. So keep checking our status updates, because you never know when a contest will pop up. Also, I'm serious about having a group of Fandads run the Warrior Dash together next year. I'm looking into pricing to make a shirt that we can all wear while doing the dash.
I recently signed up for Loot Crate, which I'm pretty excited about, so be on the look out for a post on that as soon as my crate comes in. I'm trying to work out something with them also, so if anything happens, we'll let you know. I also have been talking to other interesting companies and trying to get some cool stuff going on for our readers. Who knows what we'll giveaway next?
Lastly, we want to thank all of you who are active on the Facebook page and support us here on this page. We really want to build a community with other like-minded dads and make this thing bigger than a website and facebook page.
Again, thank you for your support and we'll see you soon,
Victor & Gil
Monday, July 23, 2012
Wizard World Chicago 2012
Wizard World Chicago Comic Con 2012 is just under 2 weeks away and I have yet to buy my ticket. It's not that I don't want to go or anything like that, it's if I go I might spend a little more than I want to. Being the father of a two year old also makes your change your priorities too, especially when her birthday is in the same month. Usually the months leading up to Wizard World I start making a list of the comics or collectibles that I want to buy, but lately, I haven't been going to the comic book shop as often as I used to. While I am still on the fence about going I have decided to make a list of reasons why I should go this year. This list is more of a way of reaffirming why I have to go, if you remember, last time I made a list of my favorite Wizard Word memories.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
I'm going to try to keep this spoiler free for those who have yet to see the final installment of Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. Hmm...where to being, I'll start by discussing why I thought I was going to be disappointed by The Dark Knight Rises.
Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. I couldn't buy her as a rough and tumble cat burglar who could hold her own against Gotham's villains, I didn't see her as being able to pull off the sexiness required of a Catwoman either.
Bane. Batman's rogues gallery is so vast that I thought it would have been better to use someone with more of a backstory or past. Someone that people were familiar with. I kind of eased off on this as the movie got closer, after all Bane did break the Bat, right?
It was filmed in Pittsburgh instead of Chicago. The first two films were filmed in Chicago. Chicago has become synonymous with Gotham in my eyes, that reason is just petty.
But enough about me.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
5 Spider-Man Graphic Novels You Should Read.
Ever since I started collecting comics, Spider-Man has always been one of my favorites. From watching the cheesy show on Channel 32 back in the days, to making sure I got the 300th issue of The Amazing Spider-Man, I have always been a fan or "webhead". With the release of the new Spider-Man movie, I have decided to list my favorite Spider-Man graphic novels in no particular order. These books are not only a great way to see why Spider-Man is my favorite but also a good way to be introduced to the world of the webslinger. Now I will not give a full synopsis of each book, but I do suggest you go out and buy them when you can.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Spider-Man ARG game!
If you like our Facebook page, you would have noticed that on Thursday we put up a post about Peter Parker's dad, Richard Parker making a visit to Chicago later in the day. Since I'm a huge Alternate Reality Game fan I was hoping to be able to participate, but I had a few errands to run and a meeting at work later in the day, so my hopes were kind of low. As luck would have it, I was in the right place at the right time during this run of the ARG game.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Warrior Dash 2012
My cousin and I before the course. |
Last year on Father's Day I ran the Warrior Dash after having breakfast and spending some quality time with my family. This year I ran it again, but this time my cousin Abby signed up to run with me. Throughout the months leading to the event, my cousin and I would keep teasing each other about how we were not going to be able to make it or that we didn't exercise enough, but once we got to Channahon, IL, there was no turning back.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Happy Father's Day!
This Father's Day we wanted to do something a little different and honor some movie fathers who go above and beyond for their children. Some of these fathers go through hell and back for their children, while others just stick to their guns and hope it all works out in the end. Though, no matter what these fathers go through, they do it all for the love of their children. Here they are in no particular order:
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Warrior Dash Update
With the Warrior Dash less than a week away here is a quick update on how my training is going....not too well. It seems like last year I was able to do a lot more in terms of exercising. This year it feels like the opposite. Although I do feel better mentally and physically than I did last year, there is just something that is making me a little nervous about this coming Sunday.
I still have a few days to get in some last minute runs, but we will just have to wait and see how things play out. One thing I am upset about is the fact that I can not grow a full viking-like beard for the run. Instead, I have to settle for these Wolverine-ish mutton chops that I have now.
Wish me luck!
Sporty Dad,
warrior dash
Chevy Sonic and Klout
If any of you know my history with cars, you know I have bad luck with them. If they're not overheating on me, they're breaking down on me at the most inopportune moment. I wish I could buy a new car, but the way things are, I'd rather do some homework on my next car so I know what I'm getting myself into.
Last November I was given the opportunity by Klout to have a Chevy Sonic for 3 days. This couldn't come at a better moment. My car at the time was acting up, so having a free car for a few days was gong to be fantastic.
Chevy Sonic,
Chevy Volt,
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
E3 Quick Hits
With E3 going on this week, we have decided to just highlight a few games that we think are going to be hits or something that you should look into.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Memorial Day Weekend
While we are celebrating this Memorial Day weekend, let's be sure that we remember what this holiday is about and take the time to honor those men and women who served in the Armed Forces to give us what we have today. We should never take for granted the sacrifices that others have made and we should always be grateful for what we have. So let's celebrate this weekend and enjoy the extra day off tomorrow.
Ways to spend this Memorial Day weekend:
1. Spend time with family BBQ'ing.
2. Watch the Star Wars Marathon on SpikeTV.
3. Watch Band of Brothers or The Pacific or Captain America.
4. Play Battlefield 3, Call of Duty, Ghost Recon or Medal of Honor games.
5. Most importantly, say thank you to any member of the Armed Forces you see this weekend.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
National Daddy Daughter Tea Date
Cheers! |
National Daddy Daughter Tea Date was started by Tshaka Armstrong in 2010 as a way to, according to the Facebook page, "Encourage men to strengthen the bond with their daughters. See fewer daughters fall prey to problems associated with low self-worth."
My view of our tea date. |
I think this is a great event and not only does this help strengthen the bond between a father and daughter, but it could become one of those rituals that fathers and daughters can look forward to every year.
Hopefully, next year there will be a few events in the Chicago area where fathers and daughters can go to celebrate and who knows, maybe Fandads will host an event one year.
If you would like more information on National Daddy Daughter Tea Date visit and "like" their Facebook page and help spread the word.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Warrior Dash Take Two!
If you are a follower of our blog you will remember that last year I participated in the Warrior Dash on Father's Day. That experience was amazing and I told myself that I would do it again the following year and prepare better for it this time around.
Well, with about a month to go for the next Warrior Dash, I am glad to announce that I am doing it again, but sadly I haven't prepared any better than I did last year. I have been working a lot these past few months so my time to train has been few and far between. I have been using Your Shape Fitness Evolved on the Kinect to exercise and it has been working pretty well, but I need to go running to improve my cardio.
Unlike last year where it was just two of us, this year there is a group of us going together and it should be a fun experience. Maybe we'll do costumes or maybe we will not, but either way it will be great to run with friends and support each other at the Warrior Dash.
I am thinking about starting a running group to get prepared for the dash and just to start getting in better shape. If anyone is interested in joining, let me know. I know work schedules will make it hard to have a constant schedule, but maybe we can find a few times in the week or weekend to just get together and run for a few miles. This would be a great way to get in shape and to familiarize ourselves with our readers. Hopefully this will lead to one of our goals here at fandads: to create a community of like minded fandads.
Thanks for reading and wish me luck on June 17th.
father's day,
Sporty Dad,
warrior dash,
Monday, April 30, 2012
The Dark Knight Rises has a New Trailer!
Today was a huge day for those that have been following the Dark Knight ARG game. Today the site had up a dossier that asked people to go to certain locations throughout the world and take a picture of "evidence" of this masked vigilante. Although most of the places were in downtown, one was Wrigley Field. Did anyone see these today?
Once you had this information you were to "Submit photographic evidence of graffiti related to any movement in support of the vigilante's return. Make sure that location services or store location is on in your camera settings. Report any and all information pertaining to the investigation to the designated contact (#tdkr07202012 or" For each piece of "evidence" that was found it unlocked a new picture. Once all the pictures were unlocked, they formed the new trailer for The Dark Knight Rises.
What do you all think about it? I wonder what's next in the ARG game?
![]() |
"evidence" |
Once you had this information you were to "Submit photographic evidence of graffiti related to any movement in support of the vigilante's return. Make sure that location services or store location is on in your camera settings. Report any and all information pertaining to the investigation to the designated contact (#tdkr07202012 or" For each piece of "evidence" that was found it unlocked a new picture. Once all the pictures were unlocked, they formed the new trailer for The Dark Knight Rises.
What do you all think about it? I wonder what's next in the ARG game?
ARG Games,
Dark Knight,
Dark Knight Rises,
Saturday, April 28, 2012
To Buy or Not to Buy
As usual, I've got lots to write about, but never get around to it. The Fan part of being a "Fandad" has taken a back seat to just being a dad. Going to class, taking care of the kids, spending time with the family, it's a lot to do and it doesn't leave me with a whole lot of free time. The little free time that I do have is usually spent trying to level up in SWTOR or chasing another prestige level in MW3. That being said, I have neglected our blog, and I'm going to try to do better in that regard. Anyway, where was I?
To buy or not to buy, that is the question. Well, MY question is, should I get the Call of Duty ELITE deal? I do most of my playing on the PC (ahh PC v. Consoles, that's a whole other post I'll get to) and I've been waiting to see if they ever roll out the ELITE program for the PC. However, the 360 version just went down in price and I had an Amazon gift card so I said why the hell not. I can't remember the last time I bought a game on multiple platforms, in all honesty I think it was probably MW2, but I digress. One of the reasons I purchased it on the XBox is because I have a lot more friends playing it on LIVE than I do on Steam. Tonight I tried getting into a game with someone and I didn't have the maps they were using. I immediately went to the marketplace and I was about to download them, but then I started contemplating purchasing the ELITE deal.
I'm usually not a sucker in the sense that I don't purchase a lot of DLC. I did buy the Gears of War 3 season package, it seemed like a good deal at the time, but I haven't even played that game in months. So was it all that good of a deal? Knowing my luck, the minute I purchase ELITE, it'll be rolled out for the PC. Anyway, that's the dilemma, the fifty bucks it costs isn't anything to scoff at, I could buy a whole new game with that. (Granted, it'd be another game I'd have no time to play, but you get my point)
I'd like to hear your thoughts and comments, help me decide! (I'll probably end up buying it, I am a sucker I
To buy or not to buy, that is the question. Well, MY question is, should I get the Call of Duty ELITE deal? I do most of my playing on the PC (ahh PC v. Consoles, that's a whole other post I'll get to) and I've been waiting to see if they ever roll out the ELITE program for the PC. However, the 360 version just went down in price and I had an Amazon gift card so I said why the hell not. I can't remember the last time I bought a game on multiple platforms, in all honesty I think it was probably MW2, but I digress. One of the reasons I purchased it on the XBox is because I have a lot more friends playing it on LIVE than I do on Steam. Tonight I tried getting into a game with someone and I didn't have the maps they were using. I immediately went to the marketplace and I was about to download them, but then I started contemplating purchasing the ELITE deal.
I'm usually not a sucker in the sense that I don't purchase a lot of DLC. I did buy the Gears of War 3 season package, it seemed like a good deal at the time, but I haven't even played that game in months. So was it all that good of a deal? Knowing my luck, the minute I purchase ELITE, it'll be rolled out for the PC. Anyway, that's the dilemma, the fifty bucks it costs isn't anything to scoff at, I could buy a whole new game with that. (Granted, it'd be another game I'd have no time to play, but you get my point)
I'd like to hear your thoughts and comments, help me decide! (I'll probably end up buying it, I am a sucker I
Call of Duty,
Gears of War,
Friday, April 27, 2012
Black Ops 2 Leaked & A New Fighter from Sony.
It seems like the rumors of Black Ops 2 are true after a leaked photo of pre-order cards from Target appeared online. IGN broke the story and now we just have to wait for the official announcement on May 2.
In other news that I'm excited about, last night on Gametrailers TV they announced a new fighting game from Sony: PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. This is going to be a fighting game in the vein of Super Smash Brothers Melee, but obviously with PS3 characters.
So far, only a handful of characters have been announced: Kratos, Parappa, Sweet Tooth, Sly Cooper and Fat Princess to name a few. According to the interview last night on GT.TV, 3rd party characters are going to be in the game, but will not be announced until E3 later this year. The game is scheduled to come out this holiday season and I am pretty excited about this one. Check out the video from the official PlayStation Blog and tell us what you think.
One of the coolest things in the game is that one of the stages is a Little Big Planet level that is being created while the characters fight. This game seems like it's going to be fun to play.
![]() |
Photo by IGN |
In other news that I'm excited about, last night on Gametrailers TV they announced a new fighting game from Sony: PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. This is going to be a fighting game in the vein of Super Smash Brothers Melee, but obviously with PS3 characters.
So far, only a handful of characters have been announced: Kratos, Parappa, Sweet Tooth, Sly Cooper and Fat Princess to name a few. According to the interview last night on GT.TV, 3rd party characters are going to be in the game, but will not be announced until E3 later this year. The game is scheduled to come out this holiday season and I am pretty excited about this one. Check out the video from the official PlayStation Blog and tell us what you think.
One of the coolest things in the game is that one of the stages is a Little Big Planet level that is being created while the characters fight. This game seems like it's going to be fun to play.
Call of Duty,
Gametrailers TV,
PlayStation Blog,
video games
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
C2E2 Recap
C2E2 came and went and the Fandads were there to partake in the festivities. Although I did miss last year's C2E2, I did make sure that I was going to be able to attend this time with my little girl and enjoy kid's day on Sunday. Last time I came with my little girl I was worried about how she was going to react to the costumed people and I soon found out I had nothing to worry about. This year was a different story.
Usually when I attend any comic show I have a list of books or action figures that I am looking for, but this year I just wanted to go and enjoy the show. I did have a few books in mind, but I wanted to look around before I actually bought anything. Plus, since I had my little girl with me, I knew I had to get ready for whatever caught her eye and hope that she didn't want to buy everything she saw.
One cool thing about this year is that we decided to do a Fandad's Scavenger Hunt. The Scavenger Hunt was going to consist of three elements. We were going to talk to some of the venders and artists and leave a small prize with them. Next, we were going to post on our Facebook page and twitter account a clue as to where to find said prize. Then, the person was going to say a phrase, given by us, to claim the prize. I purchased a few Xbox Live point cards, some $20 PlayStation Network cards and was prepared to have fun with the scavenger hunt. One thing we didn't prepare for was the bad reception inside the convention center. When we were able to post our first tweet we waited for someone to show up. After about 20 minutes we gave up and decided to figure out another way of handing out the prizes.
My little girl was excited because she saw a Goofy doll the day before and I told her that if she behaved, she would get it. Along with meeting the Disney Princesses, that was one of the highlights of her day. The other was finding her first hard cover comic. You guessed it, a Yo Gabba Gabba book.
We decided to try a different way to give out the prizes on Sunday and that was by posting a picture of me on our Facebook page and telling people that if they saw me and told me that they are a fandad or fanmom, they will get a prize. Again, it was a bust! I just decided that if anyone would come up to me, I would ask them a question and if they answered correctly, they would get a prize.
One great moment on Sunday was meeting Daddy Incidents. My wife and I were deciding what to do next, when a guy asked her where she got the Chewbacca shirt my little girl was wearing. When she answered him I started talking to him about the show and asked him if he had any games systems. When he told me he had a Wii, I gave him a Wii $20 card that I had left over from the Ten Days of Fandads, and my Fandad card. When he read the name on the card he told me that he follows me on twitter and that he was @daddyincidents. I highly suggest that you check out his blog and follow him on twitter. His "5 for Friday" is one of my favorite things that I look forward to seeing every week.
A big thank you goes to Redeye's own Elliott Serrano aka @geektome for giving a home to some Star Wars Burger King giveaways that I had. I found them when I was helping my parent's move and I remembered the Sonic DC figures he just got and thought this would be a great addition to his collection. I met up with him after a panel he was moderating and gave him the toys.
This year's show was great and I just wished I had more time to check out the panels or maybe get some autographs, but overall I had a fun time. I did end up picking up a Walking Dead book that I was looking for and my little girl got the Goofy doll that she wanted.
Comic Book Queers,
Daddy Incidents,
fandads giveaway,
Playstation Network,
Star Wars,
Friday, April 20, 2012
God of War Ascension Announced!
So yesterday it was officially announced that the next game in the God of War series is going to be titled: God of War Ascension. The only information that is known is that this game takes place sometime before Kratos became the god of war. Check out the teaser trailer below.
According to the official Playstation blog; "Be sure to tune in to PlayStation.Blog and God of War: Ascension on Facebook on Monday, April 30th at 8am Pacific Time for a live streaming event that will give you a glimpse of what’s in store for God of War: Ascension."
What do you think they will reveal on Monday? What are you thoughts about the upcoming game? Will it be multiplayer like some of the rumors say? Will Kratos' brother be a playable character? Will there still be sex mini-games? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
According to the official Playstation blog; "Be sure to tune in to PlayStation.Blog and God of War: Ascension on Facebook on Monday, April 30th at 8am Pacific Time for a live streaming event that will give you a glimpse of what’s in store for God of War: Ascension."
What do you think they will reveal on Monday? What are you thoughts about the upcoming game? Will it be multiplayer like some of the rumors say? Will Kratos' brother be a playable character? Will there still be sex mini-games? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Friday, April 13, 2012
We're Back & We're Putting You to Work!!

We're back and we are going to C2E2!!
It's been a while since we have posted on here and a lot has happened: ChiTag fair, the holidays, I got to test a Chevy Sonic, selling my action figure collection, and my parents moving out of my childhood home. So before we dig into those stories we want to thank everyone that has been supporting us and want to give something back.
This weekend we will be attending C2E2 and we are going to be doing a scavenger hunt for our followers. How is this going to work, you ask? Well, throughout the show I will be leaving little somethings at certain locations. If you are a fan of our Facebook page we will write a clue on our wall and for those that follow us on Twitter @fandads it will post on our timeline. Some of these will require you to say a phrase to get your prize while some will just require you to be at a certain location at a specific time. If you are the winner of the prize we just ask that you post a picture on either our Facebook page or on Twitter with the hash tag #FandadsC2E2hunt. We will be giving out about four prizes each day (Saturday & Sunday) so keep a look out for our posts.
So let's have fun this weekend and we'll see you at C2E2!
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